Tiffany Parker Benefit Scramble
Show your support for Tiffany Parker as she recovers from a recent accident at the Tiffany Parker Benefit Scramble on June 30th, sponsored by JHP Group.
The day kicks off with an 8 am shotgun start, The four-person team entry fee includes green fees and lunch. It’s just $300 per team, plus an additional $50 for every non-passholder. $75 of each entry fee will be donated to Tiffany.
Lunch is available for $20 at 1 pm for non-golfers.
We will also have items for raffle, a live dessert auction and a chip/putt contest. We will auction off a prize for who gets to have Gordon and Carmen play with their team. A silent auction and the raffle will follow golf.
Any donations are welcome.
Contact Jeff Petredes for hole sponsor opportunities – (208) 505-1500 or
Contact Pam Hengeller if you would like to donate or help at the event – (208) 630-4457.